Back Away from the Botox! Why CBD Oil can be a Solution for Better Skin

If you’ve ever considered botox for warding off the inevitable signs of aging, then the phrase, ‘CBD skincare’ might be the last thing you’ve ever thought about! But hear us out.

From the Kardashians to your next-door neighbor, it seems like every man, woman, and, yes, even child, is becoming obsessed with beauty regiments aimed at preventing or completely reversing the anti-aging process.

Consider, that since 2002, some 11 million North Americans have had FDA-approved Botox treatments for cosmetic reasons.

That’s a growth rate of some 6% year over year! What’s more, is that plastic surgeons charge, on average, $600 to $850 per session.

So, what? you may be wondering. One and done, right?


Botox wears off in as little as 4 to 6 months, which means the devotee shells out over $1,500 per year to (maybe) look a little younger.

Even if you are not looking to achieve this sort of ‘Benjamin Button’ effect, you still want to look good and that starts with having great, clear skin, which (let’s face it (no pun intended!)) few of us are naturally blessed with.

Rather than shelling out the big bucks to get rid of wrinkles and ‘bad’ skin, we have a more unlikely solution: CBD for skincare.

After reading the following guide on CBD for skincare, which means using CBD oil for acne, eczema, wrinkles and the like, you should be confident enough to ditch your current, account-draining skin regiment in favor of this au natural remedy!

Is CBD truly an effective means toward better skin?

We’ve said it before, but it bears repeating:  not a day goes by wherein there is not some new, scientific study exploring how CBD can assist with anxiety, or schizophrenia, arthritis, chronic pain or even with showing promising research related to cancer cell reductions in animal trials.

Despite the mounting research, you could be forgiven in being skeptical when it comes to using CBD oil for skin care.  

Before writing the whole thing off, let’s consider the science behind CBD and how its properties interact with the body’s inherent endocannabinoid system.

This is to say that the body has two main receptors that target the introduction of CBD, hemp, or THC:  CB1 and CB2.  The former generates that euphoric high we sometimes crave and is expressed mainly in the brain (central nervous system and also in the lungs, liver and kidneys, while, conversely, the latter is expressed mainly in the immune system and helps to regulate our increasingly out-of-whack bodies.

So, when it comes to using CBD oil for skin care, we are looking at those non-euphoria generating products that help detox the body by plugging little holes or gaps in, again, our stressed-out systems.

But without further ado, we’ll let the science speak for itself and let you decide if and when you want to cancel your next Botox treatment.

CBD oil for acne – does it work?

In short, YES! By taking aim at the root cause of acne, which is to say hormonal imbalances as well as poor genetics, icky diets, stress levels, or the use of some medications, CBD for acne looks to mitigate the body’s natural desire to secrete oily sebum and reduce the occurrence of outbreaks from dirt, pollutants, and other environmental ‘deviants’.

Take this study for example:

A 2015 study found a face cream with a mere three-percent of Cannabis seed extract to significantly reduce breakouts over a 12-week period through only a twice-daily application regiment.

Here’s how you can use CBD oil for acne issues:

What’s more, the long-time acne sufferer can start using CBD for acne today by mixing just a little bit of the oil with a carrier (e.g., coconut oil or olive oil) and applying it, again, twice daily.

CBD oil for wrinkles and anti-aging effects?

Despite our still having to wait for the (long overdue) discovery of the fountain of youth, we can, in the meantime, adopt less expensive, intrusive, and potentially harmful ways in which to stop the aging process.

Here’s a study that supports using CBD oil for wrinkles and anti-aging:

Just like in the above section regarding acne and the body producing too much oil in which to protect the skin, the opposite occurs as we age. In other words, the body stops producing oil, which results in drier skin followed on by cracks, wrinkles, and *gasp* crow’s feet! There is a growing body of knowledge, however, that continues to suggest that CBD is ‘smart’ enough to actually fill in gaps in the body’s generation of antioxidants such as vitamins C and E.

Here’s how you can using CBD oil for anti-aging:

It’s strongly recommended that CBD oil be consumed orally because smoking the herb can clog pores and (again) *gasp* actually make one look older still! The other alternative to stop smoking, is again, using CBD oil with a carrier like the how we described above.

Can CBD treat skin inflammation?

As we have already discussed CBD for arthritic symptom mitigation, we’ll move right into CBD for inflammation.

Here’s a study showing CBD’s efficacy for skin inflammation:

A journal article from the American Academy of Dermatology reported that CBD shows the most promise when used in the reduction of itching caused by everything ranging from allergies to psoriasis.  

And here’s how you can use CBD to treat skin inflammation:

In order to achieve the 86.4% reduction in itchiness, as reported by the above study’s key constituents, it is recommended that CBD oil be blended with an emollient, which is to say a cream, ointment, lotion, or gel, prior to direct application over the rash or aggravated patch of skin.

CBD Skincare – the remedy for wrinkles, eczema and acne?

While the above guide started off in a bit of a light-hearted matter, that isn’t to say that the use of chemicals to reduce aging or prevent acne can result in some pretty nasty side effects.

Consider what could happen with just one injection or cream should the user not take care in treating dermatological symptoms, or: allergic reactions, rashes, headaches, back aches, shortness of breath, bruising, pain, infection, flu-like symptoms, dry mouth, anxiety, and fever, just to name a few.

Additionally, and as a sort of call-to-action, think about having great skin and the boost of confidence it can generate before going on a date, job interview, or other, similar face-to-face meeting.

Taken together, then, why not try CBD for skin care and CBD for acne?  What have you got lose besides a couple years off your driver’s license?

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