Become a Member of your Vaping Community

Become a Part of the Vaping Community

If you are a novice vaper, you may ask yourself, “why should I join a vaping community and why should I interact with fellow vapers?”. Vaping may strike you as very straightforward, and it is if you are using a cigalike and do not care much about vaping. For many, vaping is turning into hobby, which can admittedly be very in-depth and time consuming. E-Cigarette technology is constantly evolving and there are new mods and sub tanks coming out every month, and the same goes for e-liquid of which there are hundreds of brands. By joining a vape community, you will be able to advance your knowledge in the field of vaping as well as draw on the experiences and opinions of advanced vapers. This can provide you with a very good sense of direction when choosing your vaping gear and e-liquid. Being a member of the vaping community is not only educational but can also be fun as you gradually get sucked into it! Whilst YouTube reviews and blogs are fun to read, a vaping community will provide you with a real sense of belonging and interaction, which can be a very rewarding experience.

There are many ways in which you can connect with fellow vapers around the globe. If you are more introvert, a good starting point is to join a vape forum where you can browse different threads and post with complete anonymity. Create your profile, search for posts using your key words and comment or ask questions. If you are a socialite, then you may want to consider attending vaping conventions and societies where you can interact with vapers in person.

Some of the best vape communities to join

There are hundreds of websites created specifically to vaping and electronic cigarettes. A google search will provide you with a comprehensive list of blogs, forums and vape shops. To get most detailed and quickest responses, you should choose a reputable community with many members. Here are some of the best online vaping forums.

Vaping Underground

Vaping Underground is a relatively new forum which is no means the largest, but it is fast gaining popularity with vapers from across the world. It has a very loose format and a relaxed approach, which is ideal for those looking to avoid tedious and restrictive forum rules. The forum is well organised, a breeze to navigate and vapers are extremely helpful and always ready and willing to help no matter at what stage of vaping you are at. Vaping Underground has around 20 thousand members that are constantly growing. Whilst it is by no means a small community, you will not be overwhelmed with hundreds of posts that can be counterproductive for someone who is searching for simple answers. The personal feel of the forum is a real winner and if you are looking for a friendly and helpful vape community, you should definitely join Vaping Underground. We find the long list of sections which are bifurcated into categories for devices, products and vaper level to be extremely helpful. Unlike some communities such as Reddit, you will not get shamed for asking an ostensibly “stupid” or “obvious” question or posting something in the wrong section.

Electronic Cigarette Reddit

Electronic Cigarette Reddit or ECR for short, has more than 85 thousand subscribers and a very large traffic. ECR community is a subcategory on Reddit that provides with a very in-depth way to connect with vapers on almost every subject relating to vaping. ECR is not a vape forum as such, it is a message board governed by ratings of other members. You may find it difficult to browse ECR at first, but if you want to keep abreast with the latest vaping news or are seeking quick and effective advice, it is one of the best vape communities around. Many experienced vapers use ECR and vape shops are often holding contests, e-juice giveaways and some great deals.

As with any message board, it is common for “trolls” to hijack posts with baseless and futile comments, but don’t let this discourage you from using ECR. There are many helpful and friendly vapers who will be glad to help you. It is important to search for your category before you post since members can get a little annoyed by seeing the same questions over and over again. If you cannot find the question you are searching for, just post on the main ECR board.

E-Cigarette Forum

E-Cigarette Forum or ECF for short, was started in 2007 and it is one of the largest and most visited vaping forum on the web. Unlike its counterpart Reddit, ECF is a large database of information that is broken down into sub forums, a bit like Vaping Underground, and it covers a plethora of different vape-related topics. ECF has almost 250k+ and growing number of members with 17k+ considered to be active. ECF is loaded with many interesting reviews, tutorials, user feedback and news. It can indeed be a little daunting sorting through literally thousands of posts, some of which contain multiple pages of comments, but on the upside, you will most probably find the answers you are looking for.

You can browse ECF and view posts, but in order to take part in this vaping forum, you will need to register and make 10 posts before you are removed from the new members section. Sorting through a vast array of content can be very time consuming, but relevant posts should jump at you. You can always read the first few posts and see whether you find them helpful. If so, you can always go down into greater detail in order to receive a good overview of your topic. There is nothing worse than coming across one answer that it helpful but does not elucidate on the subject and leaves you out in the dark. At ECF, the moderators seems to be exceedingly zealous in moderating posts and banning users. ECF rules are very expensive and bureaucratic, and the moderators are not always friendly and accommodating. In order to stay clear of bans, you should follow the ECF rules and just be careful what you say or you could get burnt.

Other Vape Communities

The three vaping forums we have discussed above are the largest and most popular with vapers, but there are also some other great forums that are worth paying a visit.

Calivapers – has about 18k+ members and as the name suggests, is focused on Californian vapers;

Aussie Vapers – one of the most popular Australian vaping forums

Nu-Vapor Forum – fairly active with tonnes of information;

Planet of the Vapes – one of the most popular UK forums and the member base is predominantly UK based;

Vapatron – a very well-organised and clean vape forum with around 7k+ members;

Vapor Talk- fairly active vape community dedicated to advanced vapers

vapor talk online vaping forum community uk and usa

UK – Popular UK vape forum comprised mostly of UK vapers.

Vape Conventions and Meets

If vaping has become your hobby and you are looking for a greater involvement in the vape community beyond forum, attending a large convention or a vape meet may be a great idea. Vape Conventions take place quite regularly all across the globe and some popular vape conventions include Vape Fest, vape Jam, Vape Bash, Vaper Con East and West, ECC and Vape Expo. We have attended many vape conventions including those in the UK, Paris, Moscow, California and many others. At a vape convention you can truly feel the vape family atmosphere and connect with other like-minded vapers from across the world. You can also meet e-liquid and vape hardware companies and find out more about the latest trends and of course, sample some great premium e-liquid and even take back some freebies with you.

Whilst vape conventions are fairly large events that happen every so often, if you are looking for regular and more accessible way to get involved with your local vape community, there are many other options. One of them is your local brick-and-mortar vape shop. Your local vapers probably shop at your local vape shop. By visiting your local vape shop, you will not only be able to receive helpful guidance on your vape-related needs, but also taste some juice and meet and interact with your local vapers with whom you are likely to develop a friendly relationship. Some vape shops organise events and social meets, which is a further excellent opportunity for you to really get involved in your local vape community. At local vape events, vapers usually meet up not only to talk everything vape-related, but also have a cup of tea, grab a bite to eat and taste some juices whilst discussing their vape experiences and other topics. Talking to other vapers will not only make vaping more rewarding but will also enable you to gather the latest perspectives on mods, tanks, e-juices and other vaping related equipment which will put you in a good stead when deciding on your next acquisition! There is a vape shop in the UK that actually invited some vape girls for a New Year’s Eve party. People who attended said that they had a lot of fun and actually spent their New Year in larger groups than they would ordinarily.

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