CBD : A Snapshot of the Global Landscape

Cannabidiol (CBD ) is enjoying a growing reputation as a stable medicinal product that has a range of uses for individuals around the world.

Propelled to prominence by medical research and the legalisation of cannabis in a range of territories, CBD is proving to assist people in easing the symptoms associated with a range of maladies including epilepsy, anxiety, and many more.

Now that 2019 is well under way, let’s take a closer look at the global CBD landscape to get a better idea of what we can expect from the year ahead.

More Legislation and Official Support

More and more people now trust in the medicinal potential of CBD.

Last year, the World Health Organisation (WHO) offered a large-scale insight into the viability of CBD in a report from its Expert Committee on Drug Dependence, which proved that CBD is neither dangerous or addictive.

The launch of this report coincided with high-profile legalisation cases in 2018: a range of states in the US have legalised medicinal and recreational cannabis, while several European countries have followed suit.

Switzerland continues to outlaw THC, but CBD products are allowed to be grown. Canada was perhaps the biggest cannabis story of 2018, successfully rolling-out a nationwide legalisation of cannabis.

Different parties from around the world have been watching the situation in Canada with interest. Naturally, those individuals who desire access to legal cannabis products have been thrilled. So is the business world: multiple cannabis-themed companies are growing and Canada is cultivating a thriving industry.

Each success story adds more weight to a growing acceptance and respect for the medicinal potential of CBD. As the year goes on, we can expect to see a collection of additional countries lend their support to legalisation initiatives.

Increased Use Among Individuals Suffering from Anxiety

As the access to CBD becomes simpler, more individuals will be tempted to explore what it might be able to do for them.

Anxiety affects a range of people around the world, to varying degrees. CBD products are offering these individuals an increasingly accessible and cost-effective tool in the battle back against their symptoms.

Cannabidiol as a Potential Treatment for Anxiety Disorders is a critical piece of neurotherapeutic research that studied a range of clinical trials and concluded that “evidence from human studies strongly supports the potential for CBD as a treatment for anxiety disorders.”

Alongside academic research, there is also a lot of qualitative evidence from individuals that supports the notion CBD can assist with anxiety. Countless individuals suffering from anxiety have explained that CBD has helped them to reduce their symptoms and take back their life.

(Be sure to read our post on how CBD can help to ease anxiety if you would like to know more.)

A Growing Trust

The greater the number of people who incorporate CBD products into their healthcare routine, the faster we can expect adoption of CBD to rise among friends and family: word of mouth is a powerful motivator and as people see their friends and family benefit from the use of CBD, the use of CBD will become more commonplace.

The normalisation of CBD will be a good thing, encouraging more individuals to investigate whether or not this organic product could help them live a more comfortable life.

A Greater Range of CBD Products

As the number of people using CBD continues to increase, so will the exciting range of products that are available. At the moment, there is a large range of CBD products available that fit with the lifestyles and priorities of diverse groups.

CBD Oil is the most popular CBD product at the moment. It is simple to take and quickly enters a person’s bloodstream for near-immediate relief. Alongside CBD Oil, CBD can also be administered using vape liquid, creams and a range of other products.

Would you like to learn more about CBD Oil? Be sure to check our deep dive into why people use CBD Oil. You will get a deeper insight into the most popular CBD product and how thousands of people use it to better themselves.

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