CBD for Inflammation: Benefits for Anti-Inflammatory Care

We all know the importance of moving around and getting plenty of exercise. Without movement, we would start gaining weight, become moodier in general, and not feel our absolute best. Unfortunately, much like too much of anything can be a bad thing, exercise does not come without its disadvantages. Like a car that has too many miles on it, the body wears down during exercise and it also experiences the effects of movement in the future as well. When this happens, certain parts of our body begin to respond with pain, making it difficult to continue moving around and following through with exercise and sometimes, even daily activities.

If you are someone who suffers from inflammation and are wondering if there may be any natural treatments that could possibly benefit you, take a look at our guide below discussing CBD’s interaction with inflammation. There is no definitive word from the FDA but our customers and users have told us they take CBD for inflammation.

CBD for Inflammation


We often perceive inflammation to be a nuisance rather than beneficial and in some cases, this is the truth. For the most part, inflammation is a necessary physical response that protects you more than you may know. Inflammation is a defensive/healing mechanism found within the body that is designed to detect injuries and heal them while also shielding them from dangerous bacteria or viruses.

During the process, the affected area begins to swell and turn red as the body begins healing the injury. Without this system, wounds wouldn’t be able to properly heal and we would be much more likely to suffer because of it.

That being said, there are some instances in which inflammation can be harmful. To better understand this, we need to take a look at the two types of inflammation.

Acute Inflammation

This is the type of inflammation that one experiences shortly after an injury. The inflammation process works to fix the affected area and the process is rather brief as the body only needs enough time to heal and will begin easing up on the inflammatory process over time. This type of inflammation poses no issues and is meant to happen.

Chronic Inflammation

This is a danger to the body that can be rather painful and life-affecting. Chronic inflammation occurs when the body responds to a perceived threat by releasing white blood cells. For those who do not actually have a threat within their body, the white blood cells travel throughout the body with nothing to do and will begin harming healthy tissues in an attempt to repair the perceived issue. This kind of inflammation can be seen in those who are suffering from diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis.

Some of the most common symptoms of inflammation include joint pain or stiffness, swelling, and redness. Other symptoms that may be experienced include headaches, appetite loss, fever, fatigue, chills, and muscle stiffness.

Overall, inflammation is a vital part of the body’s healing process. However, inflammation is not always healthy. Long-term inflammatory processes could be an indication of a larger problem and will often require treatment.

What Causes inflammation?

The inflammation process begins when an injury occurs. The body detects the injury and responds by producing chemicals known as cytokines. The cytokines signal to the rest of the body that there is an issue. The body then sends white blood cells to the affected area to help start the healing process. While we don’t see this process, we do see the swelling, redness, and pain that happens after our injury, which is the physical presence of inflammation.

Chronic inflammation is a type of inflammation that generally occurs when acute inflammation is left unchecked. It also happens when the body is put under tremendous amounts of stress for a long period of time and the body starts attacking itself as a defensive mechanism. However, the mechanics behind chronic inflammation are not as well understood. They could contain a variety of factors that eventually lead to the white blood cells attacking healthy tissue.


When you experience inflammation, what do you typically reach for? If you’re like most people, you most likely take a couple Ibuprofen pills and go on about your day until you need to repeat the process again. However, some may choose to opt for natural methods. If you are someone who is looking to use alternative medicine for the symptoms of your inflammation, you may want to try CBD oil.

Since CBD is not FDA approved, we cannot make any claims about it. However, we ask our customers and various users what they use cannabidiol for. Most of them tell us it helps with their inflammations. All information about CBD oil for inflammation is based off testimonials and anecdotal evidence.

Although it may not work for everyone, plenty of people have said that CBD has helped them cope with the symptoms of inflammation and function normally. CBD is said to work in the body by affecting the endocannabinoid system.

Endocannabinoid System

The endocannabinoid system is a long system of receptors that help to regulate all of the body’s processes. The body releases endocannabinoids that attach to these receptors and make regulation possible. When a condition or disease enters the body that makes it harder for the body to regulate itself, the endocannabinoid system is thrown off track.

To respond to this issue, some people introduce phytocannabinoids, or cannabis-based cannabinoids, to the body to help the process start up again. CBD is one of these cannabinoids and it is said that they attach to these receptors. They help those who are suffering from inflammation relieve some of the pain and swelling that accompanies the condition. Depending on your response to CBD, you may be able to ease or eliminate the symptoms of inflammation.

Why Athletes Are Quitting Ibuprofen for CBD

The truth is, Ibuprofen works and there is plenty of evidence that it helps to reduce inflammation and get rid of the pain that accompanies inflammation. That being said, it can be dangerous when used for long periods of time and this is most certainly true in the case of individuals such as athletes.

Athletes who work out vigorously and often are more likely to experience the effects of the body wearing down. This causes them to reach for painkillers so that they can continue on with their activities. However, long-term use of these types of drugs can cause a buildup in the body that can lead to poisoning, both acute and chronic. Many people will have to take higher doses over time to experience the effects, increasing the risk of future overdose and other unwanted side effects.


Although CBD may not work for everyone, quite a few people who have tried it as a form of treatment for their inflammation have been satisfied with the results. More and more research is being conducted on the substance and how it works in the body to combat a variety of different ailments, illnesses, and diseases.


These statements have not evaluated by the FDA and are not intended to diagnose, treat or cure any disease.  Always check with your physician or medical provider before starting a new dietary supplement program.

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