CBD OIL FOR CATS – Know The Ins And Outs Of IT!

CBD oil for cats is a recently put to light popular medicine in treating humans, and customers are driving in to get them. But can it benefit our furry friends and to what extent? To answer this question is what this article is going to do. It is also going to dive into the investigation of how it actually can happen.

Origin of CBD oil and is it even legal:

In the United States, cannabidiol, under the Controlled Substances Act is a Schedule 1 Drug. It means that it is illegal for the legal citizens of USA for using, producing, or selling this material or else they will be prosecuted. For instance, with being derived from industrial hemp it is legal. From outside it can be imported and can also be shipped through state-lines.

Cannabis oil (or CBD oil for cats) itself is a gooey, gluey and a waxy material made out of cannabinoids. Therefore, this kind of oil is medicinally available, from doctors who prescribe it to their patients. Therefore throughout 23 states out of 50 its legal, henceforth it is used in these states as a medicine.

Can cats use it?

The question now would be that does it even work for cats? Or moreover is this CBD Oil for Cats?To answer this, the research that has been done on this kind of subject matter will be used as references. “There are not many classical medical studies that explore the effects of CBD oil in cats,” says Dr. Daniel Inman, a veterinarian at Burlington Emergency Veterinary Specialists in Williston, Vermont. This is not the only thing he says. He also says “While we don’t recommend CBD oil for our patients, holistic veterinarians are using it to treat a variety of ailments, including inflammation, anxiety and pain.”

What Dr. Inman is trying to say is that the usage of CBD oil for cats is subjective. Its because symptoms relating to bigger ailments use this kind of treatment. Furthermore, these symptoms can range from inflammation, anxiety and pain and does not necessarily cure the ailments outright.

Is it even safe for cats?

The other question that springs to the mind is that if the CBD oil for cats is even safe for the cats. Dr. Gary Richter says it is not proven safe through research and scientific study. He, who is a holistic veterinarian and owner and medical director of Montclair Veterinary Hospital and Holistic Veterinary Care in Oakland, California, considers it safe. However there could be some side effects as part of the treatment from this kind of oil. Side effects like gastrointestinal upset and sedation could take because of the use. Discontinuing the use of oil can provide relive from these.

On the other side of the fence, Dr. Liza Guess, a clinical assistant professor at the Ohio State University Department of Veterinary Medicine in Columbus, Ohio, has some other idea. In addition, the related research about the adverse affects of it are in low numbers. Henceforth, she advises against the use of CBD oil for cats. She maybe at least hesitant is in recommending this oil to the general public.

Initially, the studies that were done to check CBD or cannabis health effects were, in fact, using animals as the test subjects. This means whatever the case the studies that used animals for testing probably included cats as the test subjects. The effects were positive and outcomes were more than merrier. This means that everything that was tested on cats obviously is suitable for cats. The studied tend to have almost no side effect or what so ever. And they even tried to see if these side effects were present.

Even to judge CBD effects on humans, studies did their pre-tests on animals, which probably included cats at the helm. This means that there is a whole of strata of evidence available about how CBD is very effective on cats and that it is in is in a non-threatening way and also without side effects. This is why CBD is the best kind of alternative medicine out there that does not has any side effects. It is also available in the form of CBD treats if the CBD oil does not suit your pets.

How does CBD Oil for cats work?

Just as humans, cats too have an endocannabinoid system. It regulates important physiological functions such as immunity, mood, sleep, and pain. Therefore, cats bodies are full of cannabinoid receptors found in most of the parts of their body. The active compounds from CBD oil for cats are able to bind and influence these receptors thus making CBD for cats work like a charm.

Dosage for cats: 

This whole paragraph wants to makes sure that the dosage will be well administered for CBD oil for cats . Henceforth, it also makes sure its not life threatening for your cat. The CBD oil dosage for cats, as they are way smaller than us humans. The recommended CBD dosage for cats should be around 0.1-0.5 mg per kilograms of your cat. For instance, depending on the situation and the specific condition you cat could be suffering from, individual doses may vary.

One should always remember, it may not work overnight, and it may even take several weeks. So be patient and consistent. You may also want to workout what dosage ends up as an optimal dosage overtime that is working for your cat.

Should cat owners give it a try?

It depends on whether it is legal in your country or state. Its also dependent on the method of procuring it while also on whether the pet itself will accept it. This might be a concern but may not be a grave problem; the taste of CBD oil for cats has been described as having a nutty and a little mild flavor. Why the hell not, because as mentioned before that CBD oil scientifically testes alternative medicine that does not possess any side effects a medicine can have. If you really do not want your cat pet not to suffer then give it try as soon as possible. Again, as mentioned before it can deal with the symptoms belonging to a range of different ailments. The ailments that CBD oil can treat are cancer, anxiety, inflammation, and excruciating pain. Though this not just the only of them as many other ailments can treat by CBD oil. In WHO (World Health Organization) has given a go-ahead to use CBD for treating different forms of epilepsy in humans, so we are sure cats will be allowed CBD too.

Does it come in the form of treats?

The good news is CBD treats for cats exist in this world. The owners of cats or the veterinarians prescribing the medicine to the cats can make use of the treats. In other words, the owners of the cats may choose form different kind treats that relate to CBD oil for cats. They may opt for treats that treat specific symptoms for example with dogs suffering from anxiety. For thus the recommended treats are the calming CBD treats. These treats become ideal when you want to treat an anxious cat, or those cats that are easily rattled by tense situations. Tense situations could be the stress of flying, the phobias they might be suffering from. Furthermore, you can give these treats to get them a good night sleep.

CBD treats can treat pain, as mentioned previously. It is used when it is given to cats suffering from joint and muscle pain, nausea, and inflammation. It might also given to cats who are just recovering from recent surgery. In addition, they can benefit from the relief of pain, when they are given a specific CBD treat especially made for the problem of pain for example Honest Paws’ yummy turmeric flavored CBD treats for pain. These kinds of treats are also for cat parents who do not want their cat babies to not go through the grueling process conventional drugs and medicine.

There are CBD treats especially made for the purpose of treating Cats that are suffering from cracked paws, irritation, dry skin, allergies, and excessive shedding or/and dandruff. In other words, these type of treats are extra rich in omega 6 vitamin and fatty acids, which are very good nutrients for good health of your cat. For instance, you can treat your cats with these treats once a day.

Treats are also called ‘edibites’ or ‘snacks’ if you did not know and if they are labeled Human-Grade, us humans can eat these too. They are also different for cats and dogs, so be sure to check that you are buying the right product and they all stem from CDB oil for cats if they are for cats.

Will the CBD oil that come for cats, can make them high too?

CBD oil for cats cannot make your cats high, because it is made of hemp. It is because it is derived from CBD, and is vastly different from marijuana. CBD oil from hemp is not psychoactive because it has little traces of THC (the component in marijuana which makes you high). Similarly, it also has high levels of cannabinoids itself. In other words, oil derived from hemp should not be regulated as a substance drug. It is also suggested it has no toxic levels according to the scientific community.

How to give it your cats?

Cats are notorious and famous for being difficult when it comes taking supplements or medicine. Ideally you could just give the serving of CBD oil for cats directly into its mouth but some of the kitties maybe very stubborn. You would have to be intelligent in making them take it. Obviously the direct serving will be liquid, however if the challenge of feeding the oil to them persists you might want to use a syringe or a dropper.

Draw up the oil in the dropper or the syringe and place them either of them nearby the point where you want administer the drug oil. For instance, place the cat itself on a hard surface, and have it face away from you with its hindquarters in front of your body. If want to kneel, you can, whilst cuddling the cat’s hind legs into its thighs. For instance, you might also try placing the cat on a table and pressing the cat on its torso. Therefore, with one hand holding the CBD oil for cats, use your free hand to tilt the cat’s head slightly up and place/press the dropper/the syringe inside the mouth and near the back corner of it. Squirt enough to allow your cat to swallow it.

If the cat is panicking or getting nervous while the process goes on, wrap it inside a towel, which can calm it. It can also help with experience getting more pleasant. A reward afterwards can make the process easier if you try it next time. This can make it more easier if they get their favorite treat afterwards.

Normal food can have CBD oil for cats mixed in it, which you can feed them everyday. Hence, it can be through pouring the liquid into the serving of your cat’s canned food. To make sure they end up eating the food mixed with oil and do not find out. Therefore, you have to mix the liquid thoroughly after pouring a small amount from it into the food itself. For better masking of the oil’s flavor, tuna juice or the low sodium chicken broth can be used.This way you can get more oil into the food through mixing, which the cat may never find out.

CBD oil for cats can be masked through treats as mentioned earlier.  In other words, there are treats available in the markets that are especially designed to hold liquid medications/ drugs or just hold pills. They are ready to be filled as they come already opened. With being pinched from the end with the help of your fingers they can also be sealed. These treats are effective in masking the ‘grassy’ smell and the taste of CBD oil, so the cat can readily eat.

Another very clever way could be that if the cat paws had a spoonful of CBD oil dripped over it. Although, they do not like it dirty so the cat will compelled to clean it as fast as possible. If it is too much for one paw, you could consider dropping a spoonful of CBD oil for cats on the other paw. Although, this would split the serving itself on each paw, dividing it equally.Your floor getting a little dirty might be the bad outcome of this experiment, which can be cleaned afterwards.

How to choose the CBD Oil product that is right for you and your cat?

It depends on the symptoms and how well you are thinking to expand your expenditure of buying the CBD product. CBD oil for cats itself is your best option if your is kitten or cat is suffering from acute symptoms. However, these acute symptoms can range from excruciating pain to serious inflammation. Henceforth you may want to use the CBD oil product that works fastest, which is the oil itself.

On the other hand if chronic symptoms persists you might want to use other types. In addition, you might want to use the treats and capsules, encapsulating the CBD oil for cats. Therefore, these chronic symptoms range along the likes of other conditions like arthritis.

In conclusion, any drug, supplement or medicine passes through the digestive tract of the cat when taken along with food. Henceforth oil, treats and capsules ingested with food take longer to kick in.

Final Words

We have been together through some of the big conversations we have done in our lifetime and if you are reading this it revolves around our cats. Cats can also be good friend when you take care of them, as this is the only thing they want all the time, which is to be pampered. But at times amidst all of our pampering they can get ill and then we need to take extra care of it. This is where CBD makes its entrance as this is the that extra thing that can essentially provide the extra care need when the cat is ill

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