Is CBD Oil Good For Diabetes?

Is CBD Oil Good For Diabetes?

Diabetes is a metabolic disorder condition that leads to both acute and long-term complications and even death. The condition has a frequency of close to 9% of the world’s population and causes the death of between 3.2 to 5 million per year. It is understandable why experts would want to find something that can help more than what people are already doing.

Cannabidiol (CBD) in the recent past few years has been getting a lot of attention as a substance that can change quite several things in the medical area. For instance, there’s a belief this cannabinoid obtained from the marijuana plant can aid in diabetes management. While this is the case, many people interested in this are wondering if CBD Oil is good for diabetes?

What’s The Contribution Of CBD Oil To Diabetes?

You might get some answers if Cannabidiol oil is good for diabetes by understanding its properties and their contribution to the condition. One Dr Brady, a certified diabetes educator in Nevada, reported some findings of her patients who used CBD to manage type 2 diabetes, specifically for nerve pain. 

The patients used various modes to ingest Cannabidiol, including tinctures and oils they would rub on the painful areas. These patients would buy CBD from licensed Medical Marijuana stores and get dosing instructions. Dr Brady patients reported that CBD minimised their nerve pain as well as improved their blood sugar. These patients also claimed to sleep better after beginning the CBD dose.

One proven benefit of CBD is its anti-inflammatory ability which experts believe can help with diabetes, considering this is an anti-inflammatory condition. Studies conducted found that CBD has the potential to reduce insulin resistance and regulate blood sugars for type 2 patients not taking insulin.

A 2017 research on rats published in a journal found evidence that CBD can help reduce Osteoarthritis related pain. Please note that Osteoarthritis and type 2 diabetes usually coexist in older adults.

A study conducted on nonobese mice to determine if CBD can aid in diabetes prevention found that these mice had a considerably lower risk of developing diabetes when treated with CBD. While no human clinical investigation on this matter has been done, it shows Cannabidiol’s potential to prevent diabetes in people.

A 2016 study at the University of Nottingham found that combining CBD with Tetrahydrocannabivarin (THCV) can aid in lowering blood sugar levels and improve insulin production in type 2 patients.

Any Concerns With CBD Oil For People With Diabetes?

Realm of Caring, a nonprofit organisation, with a focus on cannabis research and education, takes questions about CBD from the community. One concern they understand that people have is if CBD and other cannabinoids can be used as an alternative to therapy treatment. In addition to this, the board president of the organisation, Heather Jackson says callers ask questions concerning CBD and blood glucose control as well as neuropathy pain.

Experts agree that there are concerns for people with type 1 or type 2 diabetes. These range from what CBD type and quality to use to effectiveness and any potential side effect brought by CBD oil ingestion.

Some specialists think the biggest concern with CBD for people taking it to manage diabetes is possible cannabinoid-drug interaction. From the research, there’s a likelihood that the endocannabinoid system buffers insulin sensitivity instead of strictly inhibiting it.

The efficiency and safety of CBD oil for diabetes is also questioned since there’s no evidence that can help with guidelines on these. Specialists want to know if Cannabidiol has a direct impact on diabetes. Currently, the biggest issue with CBD oil for diabetes is the lack of conclusive research on this matter. 

Nevertheless, random trials on humans have indicated a positive side of CBD oil on diabetes patients. Experts hope that the studies being conducted will help users with finding out how exactly CBD oil can help diabetes patients more.

So How Exactly Can CBD Oil Be Good For Diabetes?

There’s a likelihood that CBD oil is good for people with diabetes even though many trials are done on lab mice and rats. Usually, with lab rats, is how clinical researchers come up with medications and remedies for many diseases and conditions.

From the studies, besides CBD lowering the risk of diabetes, it also eases swelling and pain related to nerve damage, which tends to affect people with diabetes. The chronic inflammation and neuropathic pain diabetes patients experience in their hands and feet can be kept at bay by CBD intake.

CBD also promotes turning of white fat in the body to good slimming brown fat, which in turn can boost the body’s ability to utilise glucose. On top of that, CBD can increase insulin production, which can help a patient a lot.

Should I Take CBD Oil To Manage My Diabetes?

You could benefit from the few mentioned benefits of CBD oil if you have diabetes. Since CBD oil has extremely few temporary side effects, it might actually be a good way to find a way to manage your condition. Experts advise that you should only buy from reliable CBD products sellers. You might have a better life with CBD intake as compared to other medications.

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