Suffering from Acne? CBD might help

When we reach adolescence, pimples are almost expected. For a lot of people, a couple of pimples here and there are a reality. Some teenagers may even experience acne, which can greatly impact their self-esteem. These kinds of issues tend to calm down with age and many of those who had to deal with them earlier in life no longer suffer from the same problems aside from an occasional pimple during a stressful week.

Others, however, may carry their acne into adulthood and may need to explore a variety of different treatment options in order to tackle these problems. The biggest issue with a lot of acne medications is that they contain quite a few chemicals. Some of them may cause damage to the skin, leading many to search for natural methods that produce the same benefits without the harmful ingredients.

Many CBD users and customers have told us they have been using cannabidiol for acne. If you are on the hunt for an alternative option that may be able to help you control your acne, let’s take a look into CBD as a possible option and what it could do for you.


Unlike random pimples, acne is a chronic, inflammatory skin condition that results in spots and pimples. They can appear in areas such as the face, back, and arms. They are caused by hair follicles that become filled with dead skin cells and oil. This happens when the oil glands produce a substance known as sebum (those who have acne overproduce this substance) to carry dead skin cells out through the hair follicles.

In those who have acne, the process doesn’t carry through all the way. The oil, dead skin cells, and bacteria then become clogged. This clog remains stuck underneath the surface of the skin and eventually forms a pimple.

Although you have most certainly had a pimple in your lifetime, there are actually more skin problems that are a byproduct of acne. 

- Papules, which are small tender, red bumps

- Pimples, which are papules that have pus at the tip

- Blackheads, which are open pores that are clogged and have a dark appearance

- Whiteheads, which are pores that are clogged but are closed off

- Nodules, which are large, painful, solid lumps located beneath the surface of the skin

- Cystic lesions, which are pus-filled lumps that are often painful and located beneath the surface of the skin as well

Some of the reasons behind the formation of acne include puberty, which is due to the fact that more hormones and oils are produced during this time. Other reasons are genetic factors such as whether or not your parents dealt with the disease, environmental factors such as pollution or humidity, medical conditions such as polycystic ovarian syndrome, and certain medications like steroids.

Depending on the severity of your situation, acne can have a severe impact on your skin such as permanent scarring and may also cause pain that can only be made better with treatment. Much like other diseases, there are different types of acne and different levels of severity, which you will find below.

Non-Inflammatory Acne

Those who have non-inflammatory acne are only experiencing conditions in which the pores have been blocked with oil, which most often results in the production of whiteheads and blackheads.

Inflammatory Acne

Inflammatory acne occurs when pores have been clogged with and infected by bacteria, which will result in the production of papules, pustules, or cysts. Unlike the previous type, inflammatory acne is often painful and results in redness and swelling.

The Varying Levels of Acne

There are different levels of acne that can impact an individual, which fall into the four categories below.

- Grade I Acne: This level of acne is the mildest form of acne that only results in whiteheads, blackheads, and normal pimples. This level of acne also features no inflammation, is not painful, and can easily be treated by over-the-counter medication.

- Grade II Acne: This level of acne is considered moderate and features some of the traits of the previous level but breakouts are often more frequent and more resistant to treatment.

- Grade III Acne: Grade III acne ranges from moderate to severe with a heavy amount of inflammation and the possible presence of modules.

- Grade IV Acne: This is the most severe level of acne with severe inflammation and the presence of cysts and pustules. This level will also impact more of the face and can often be painful. For this level and the previous level, the likelihood of permanent scarring is very high.

Besides the obvious long-term effects of acne that can be seen in the scarring of the face, there are tons of emotional effects as well that can impact self-esteem, sociability, and lead to stress and depression. The good news, however, is that treatments are available and the skin quality can be improved.

What Make Acne Worse?

You may be thinking to yourself, I already have acne, what could make it worse? Unfortunately, there are a variety of different factors that can make your already difficult skin condition even worse than it currently is. Some factors that may make an acne case more severe. This includes an imbalance in hormones, poor dietary choices such as eating foods that contain a lot of carbohydrates or chocolate, an increase in stress, overwashing the face and stripping the skin of its essential oils (which will only result in the increased production of more oils), using dirty materials during the face washing process or placing dirty hands and other objects on the skin, picking or popping pimples, and using face products that further clog the pores, among others.


It’s not uncommon to hear about CBD as possible treatment options for other health issues. However some people have said it works wonders on their acne and skin quality. Before we dive into how CBD could be a potential treatment option, which we will dive into the next section, let’s first discuss how CBD works in the body.

Inside each of us, there is a system of receptors known as the endocannabinoid system. The endocannabinoid system is designed to regulate all of the processes of the body including pain, temperature, and even stress. To do this, the body produces chemical compounds known as endocannabinoids which are sent throughout the body to regulate the desired process.

When the body is overwhelmed by a condition or a disease, however, the endocannabinoid system is unable to work as designed and it throws the system out of whack. Fortunately enough, there are cannabinoids that are found in nature known as phytocannabinoids, of which CBD belongs to this group. These cannabinoids can be introduced to the body to help the system get back up and running.

Although research is scarce and CBD may not be an option for everyone, quite a few people have said that CBD has helped them with their acne. How? Let’s take a closer look.

CBD Regulates the Sebostatic Function

As we stated in the previous section, the endocannabinoid system regulates everything, which includes the production of oils. In those who have acne, there is an overproduction of sebum, which causes the buildup of bacteria and in turn, inflammation, which is yet just another issue that CBD is said to be able to tackle.

The introduction of CBD is thought to have sebostatic properties (properties that reduce the amount of sebum being produced by the individual being treated) as well as anti-inflammatory properties that help to reduce the swelling of pimples and other skin lesions. In addition, CBD may have the potential to keep acne from spreading and growing worse. These three properties and the lack of harmful chemicals make it a great form of treatment overall.

It should be noted here that CBD does not act in a similar fashion to THC. THC is widely known for its psychoactive properties and for those who do not enjoy those kinds of effects, they will often avoid the substance. CBD is noted for all of the same benefits that THC provides but without these psychoactive properties. Therefore, if you use CBD for your acne, you will not be dealing with the same effects.

CBD in Skin Care

CBD is used in skin care in the same manner that you would use other skin care products but it can also be used in the traditional fashion as well. To begin with, there are several companies out there that produce a variety of oils, scrubs, and creams that contain CBD. They can be applied to the face so that it can soak directly into the skin and affect the oil glands.

That being said, there are other ways to take CBD. For example, if you are looking to reap the benefits, you could choose to vape the CBD oil, use CBD oil tincture drops, or take the CBD in edible form. Regarding the effectiveness of any of these methods, CBD is experimental and you may or may not see a any change to your skin.

Suffering from Acne? CBD might help


Acne can often be a severe skin problem. If left untreated, it can damage the affected areas for years to come. Despite the effectiveness of certain acne treatments, many of these can be quite harsh. This could worsen your condition or make it difficult to fully recover. Use this guide above to better understand the potentiality of CBD as an acne treatment and what it may be able to do for your case.


These statements have not evaluated by the FDA and are not intended to diagnose, treat or cure any disease.  Always check with your physician or medical provider before starting a new dietary supplement program.

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