It’s thought that the average woman uses about 4 lbs of lipstick in her lifetime. For some women, it’s much more. For others, it’s much less. Either way, one thing is pretty obvious; lipstick is an extremely popular product today.
Like all beauty products, lipsticks are subject to trends and seeing as the cosmetic industry is on the hunt for the best CBD makeup products, companies are trying to come up wit the best CBD-infused lipstick. They change with the ebb and flow of what’s in, and what’s out. One year beauty editors are raving about lipsticks that contain SPF. The next, they’re obsessed with matt versus gloss finishes.
However, some things have remained constant from the birth of the beauty industry, despite the latest trends. One of those things is moisture. Moisture has always been king in the beauty industry. The fight against dry skin has been a long one, and the mission to keep the skin hydrated, supple and young hasn’t excluded the lips.
CBD Infused Lipsticks
You might not have known this, but the lips require moisturizing just as much as the rest of the skin. Dry, cracked, sore skin on and around the lips are a pain, but no big deal, right? Chapped lips might not seem like a big deal. But, left untreated they can become extremely painful.
Unfortunately, dry lips are something that we all have to deal with from time to time. Whether your lips have dried out after being neglected in the hot summer sun, or the ice cold gales of winter have done the harm, either way dry lips are never very far away.
For this reason, big beauty brands have tirelessly developed collection after collection of moisture boosting lipsticks. They’ve done this by adding extra ingredients to their standard products, such as coconut oil and shea butter. The latest addition to the mix is CBD oil.
What Exactly Is Cannabidiol (CBD Oil)? Is It Cannabis?
CBD stands for cannabidiol. This is the name given to one of the chemical compounds found in the cannabis plant. Specifically, the oil is extracted from cannabis sativa seed. There are over 100 compounds found in cannabis, but CBD is the most well known.
This is for two reasons; it does not cause the user to feel the euphoric high associated with cannabis, and it has been found to have a whole host of medicinal properties. CBD oil, also known as hemp seed oil, is now being hailed as the future of natural medicine.
Cannabidiol is a known anti-inflammatory and antibacterial. It’s thought to be highly effective at chronic pain relief, stabilizing moods, promoting sleep, reducing epileptic seizures and is even thought to kill some forms of cancer.
For these reasons, and many others, CBD is now being explored as a possible treatment for everything from chronic aches and pains, to epilepsy, to Parkinson’s disease. However, one of the most exciting areas of CBD research is dermatology.
How CBD Oil and Make up Can Work
Studies have shown CBD to be really beneficial to the skin. This is because of how CBD interacts with the endocannabinoid system. This is a system of neurotransmitters, or receptors. These receptors are scattered throughout the body but are found mostly in the skin.
The endocannabinoid system is thought to be responsible for a number of hugely important bodily functions. It has a huge influence on the health of the skin in particular. CBD acts as a natural supplement to the system. When it’s working at its best, the skin stays hydrated, moisturized and glowing.
Skincare experts believe that boosting the skin from the inside out is infinitely more effective from outside in. This theory applies to the treatment of all skin issues, and is one of the reasons why a CBD lipstick can be more effective that your typical lip balm. Millions of people are replacing standard body lotions with the latest CBD versions, and it’s expected that soon every woman will have a CBD lipstick in her make up bag.
Remember that the skin is the largest organ of the body, and the lips are included in that. Taking care of them might not always be our top priority. No matter how good our intentions may be, sometimes life gets in the way. But by using a CBD lipstick, you can take care of your skin and look your best at the same time.